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President of Jewish Community of Rome: the White race doesn’t exist, to say it does is “ignorant.”

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 19 January 2018 06:07.

The New Observer, “White Race Doesn’t Exist” says Rome’s top bracket”, 16 Jan 2018:

The White race does not exist, and to say it does is “ignorant,” the President of the Jewish Community of Rome, Ruth Dureghello has announced on Twitter.

“It’s inconceivable that in 2018 one must repeat to ignorant ones that there doesn’t exist a white race to defend, 80 years after the promulgation of the racial laws,” Dureghello wrote in Italian on her twitter feed.

She was reacting to a remark made by Attilio Fontana, a candidate of the Northern League party for the governorship of the province of Lombardy, earlier this week when he said that the Third World invasion of Europe was going to lead to the extermination of the white race.

Fontana, who is running with support from a center-right alliance, whose backers include former Premier Silvio Berlusconi, made the comments on Sunday on Radio Padania, which is run by the Northern League.

The controlled media in Italy was in uproar over his comment.

He said that being unwilling to “accept all” immigrants “isn’t a question of being xenophobic or racist, but a question of being logical or rational.

“”We can’t [accept them all] because they don’t all fit; we must make choices,” Fontana said. “We must decide if our ethnicity, if our White race, if our society must continue to exist or if it must be cancelled out, because there are many more of them than us and they are much more determined to occupy this land than we are.”

Though Fontana’s remarks are completely accurate— given current nonwhite invasion levels and the staggering reproduction rates of nonwhites already present in western Europe, that part of the continent is due to be majority nonwhite by 2040 or 2050 - the controlled media in Italy went into “uproar” over the comment.

Not even Fontana’s backtracking satisfied the hysteria. He later claimed it was “a lapse, an error in expression. I meant to say we must all re-organize a different kind of welcome, respecting our history, our society.”

Meanwhile, the Northern League’s charismatic leader, Matteo Salvini, refused to back down and said that Fontana had rightly raised a worry about an “invasion” by Muslims.

Salvini defended Fontana and said his party in government will “regulate every Islamic presence in the country.” “Our culture, society, traditions, way of live are at risk,” he said. “An invasion is underway.”

The vote for governor is being held on March 4.

* Dureghello’s reference to the “80 years after the promulgation of the racial laws” in her tweet is in relation to the racial laws promulgated by the Mussolini in 1938 which sought to keep Italy European, and which excluded Jews from holding position of public office, political parties, trade unions, banks, insurance companies, higher education, and all media in Italy.

Africans Deported from Israel “Appear” in Rome

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 18 January 2018 06:59.

‘Refugees’ by way of Israel with money enough from there for a one way ticket to Europe.

New Observer, “Africans Deported from Israel “Appear” in Rome”, 9 Jan 2018:

African invaders who were earlier “voluntarily deported” from Israel to Rwanda with a $3,500 payment each have been found and interviewed in Rome, according to the United Nations High Commission on Refugees.

According to a statement issued by UNHCR spokesperson William Spindler at a press conference today at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, at least 80 of the Africans deported from Israel were interviewed by UN representatives “between November 2015 and December 2017 in reception centres and informal settlements in the Rome area.”

The UNHCR statement called on the Jewish ethnostate not to proceed with its plans to deport nearly 40,000 Africans, as announced in November last year.

The UNHCR said that it was making the appeal to Israel after “some 80 cases were identified in which people relocated by Israel” had taken “onward journeys to Europe via Libya.”

“All 80 cases involved Eritrean refugees or asylum seekers who were “interviewed by UNHCR staff in Rome,” the statement said, adding that the Africans then travelled “hundreds of kilometers” through South Sudan, Sudan and Libya “after being relocated by Israel.”

From Libya, they had crossed the Mediterranean to invade Europe,

“The interviews–all with adult males, some with family members still in Israel–took place between November 2015 and December 2017 in reception centers and informal settlements in the Rome area. All had entered Israel via the Sinai,” the UNHCR statement continued, peppering each sentence with patently bogus claims that the invaders have been “tortured and mistreated” at every step—a standard tactic by those seeking to justify the Third World invasion of Europe.

“Most said they had been transferred from Israel to a country in Africa and provided with a lump sum of US$3,500 dollars. However, the situation on arrival was different to what most had expected and with little further support provided beyond accommodation on the first night,” the UNHCR statement continued, providing some insight into how the Jewish state is getting rid of its African spongers.

“In light of this, UNHCR is seriously concerned over Israel’s plans announced on January 1st to forcibly relocate Eritreans and Sudanese to countries in Africa or have them face indefinite detention,” UNHCR statement said.

“Official statements that the plans may eventually target families and those with pending asylum claims, or that asylum seekers might be taken to the airport in handcuffs, are particularly alarming.

“At a time when UNHCR and partners in the international community are engaged in emergency evacuations from Libya, forced relocation to countries that do not offer effective protection and the onward movement of these people to Libya and Europe is particularly worrisome.

“There are some 27,000 Eritreans and 7,700 Sudanese in Israel. Since Israel took over refugee status determination from UNHCR in 2009, only ten Eritreans and one Sudanese have been recognized as refugees.

“Another 200 Sudanese, all from Darfur, were granted humanitarian status in Israel and there was an announcement that another 300 will follow. Israel has not received any Eritreans or Sudanese since May 2016.”

Remarkably, the UNHCR said that it was prepared nonetheless to help the Jewish state get rid of its Africans:

“UNHCR stands ready to work with Israel to find alternative solutions for the protection needs of asylum seekers, in line with international standards. This includes resettlement out of Israel, as has happened previously”, the statement ended.

Silk Road News: The World’s Future MEGAPROJECTS (2017-2040’s)

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 14 January 2018 10:51.

Germany: 300,000 Invader “Family Visas” Issued

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 13 January 2018 02:10.

The New Observer, “The German government is currently preparing nearly one third of a million “family visas” for the immediate families of non-White invaders given “asylum” in that country—and this is just the start of the program of ‘family reunification,” 10 Jan 2018:

According to a report in the Bild newspaper, the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin is currently preparing at least 300,000 visas for “family members of refugees” living in Germany with subsidiary protection.

This is however only the start of the program, as currently, family reunification for refugees with “limited subsidiary protection” is suspended until mid-March 2018.

“Limited subsidiary protection” is only “temporary” asylum—in theory—whereas full subsidiary protection is for those who have been granted permanent asylum status.

There are currently far more invaders with “limited subsidiary protection” than those with full subsidiary protection, and if the rules are changed to allow the former group to bring their families as well, the number of “family visas” will swell into the millions.

The move to temporarily halt family reunification for those with “limited subsidiary protection” was made by Angela Merkel’s ruling Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party following the strong showing of the anti-invasion Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party, as an attempt to dampen support for that group.

However, the Merkel government is in talks with its previous long-term coalition partner, the Socialist Party of Germany (SPD) to form a new government—and the topic of family reunification rights for those invaders with “limited subsidiary protection” is a major topic of discussions between the two parties.

The SPD has set it as a basic demand that those with temporary protection be given the right to “family reunification” and it seems likely that Merkel will give way on this demand in order to remain in power.

It has previously been well-established that those granted “limited subsidiary protection” always end up staying permanently anyway, as once they have been in Germany for five years, they qualify for permanent residence.

See also: Germany: Nonwhite in One Generation

“Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom”: Norman Finkelstein on the Many Lies Perpetuated About Gaza

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 11 January 2018 22:25.

Israel is facing a possible international criminal court war-crimes probe over its 2014 assault on Gaza, which killed more than 2,100 Palestinians, including over 500 children.


Showcase: Arguing WN against virulent bracketry & why ‘Americanism’, ‘exceptionalism’ is ineffective

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 06 January 2018 07:43.

What it’s like to argue with a bracket and why ‘American founding fathers constitutionalism’ is too complicated and flawed a premise to defend White nationalism.

When asked why she wanted to exclude certain people from White Nations…

Tara experiences what it’s like to argue with a virulent bracket and why defending White America (let alone White Nations generally, of course) on the basis of the U.S. Constitution, founding fathers, exceptionalism, etc., is not the best angle.

If you mean to defend White Nationalism, defend White Nationalism, not American Nationalism of the Founding fathers, their constitution and not I.Q., as Tara does. The intentions of the founding fathers, what their text say, matters of I.Q. and the accomplishments (or lack of certain kinds of misdeeds) of White Nations can provide rebuts to fallacious counter arguments, but are not effective as a premisary thesis for defending White Nationalism.

MR’s platform takes rather a premise of deep systemic, pervasive ecology and biodiversity ... to be deliberately coordinated among human and pervasive ecology; and to be distinguished from Hitler’s ‘ecology’ which was more like Darwinism and absent the sufficient human and humane aspect of praxis.

Perhaps we should let Tara find out the hard way - she has been warned (as Mancinblack noted). There are reasons to be critical of her: she has associated with some pretty bracketed individuals, such as the guy promoting the Jewish alternative payment set up (I’ll find the link a little later); in addition to going along with the fundamentally right wing and Jewish aligned platform that is the Alternative Right.

Egyptian “Migrant” Terror Attack in Pennsylvania

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 30 December 2017 00:46.

New Observer, “Egyptian ‘Migrant’ Terror Attack in Pennsylvania”, 25 Dec 2017:

An Egyptian legal immigrant who entered the US on a “chain migrant” visa carried out the triple terrorist attack on police in the Pennsylvanian state capital Harrisburg this week—an attack largely deliberately ignored the by controlled media.

According to a statement issued by the Department of Homeland Security, “the suspect involved in a terror attack in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and another suspect arrested on terror-related money laundering charges were both beneficiaries of extended family chain migration.”

The invader, named as Ahmed Amin El-Mofty, was a naturalized U.S. citizen who was admitted to the United States from Egypt on a family-based immigrant visa.

El-Mofty was killed on Friday December 22 in a shootout after opening fire and targeting police at multiple locations in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

The Egyptian invader started his attack at the 100 block of State Street, when Ahmed El-Mofty started firing gunshots. He then got into a vehicle and headed off towards the State Capitol Building, rounded a corner and shot several times at a Capitol Police car near Third and Walnut streets.

One shot came “very close” to hitting the officer driving, but he was able to escape without injury, according to Dauphin County District Attorney Ed Marsico.

About 30 minutes later, El-Mofty fired several shots at a Pennsylvania State Police trooper. The officer suffered minor injuries and was chased by the shooter more than a mile to Allison Hill near the intersection of 17th and Mulberry streets. By then more officers had converged on scene and killed El-Mofty in the resulting shootout.

“The long chain of migration that led to the suspect’s admission into the United States was initiated years ago by a distant relative of the suspect. One of the most recent links in that chain was an extended family member admitted into the United States from Egypt on an F24 visa,” the DHS statement said.

“Separately, Zoobia Shahnaz, who has been charged with laundering bitcoins to support ISIS, is a naturalized U.S. citizen who came to the United States from Pakistan on an F43 visa.

“The F43 visa is available to the children of F41 visa holders who were sponsored by other family members that obtained citizenship.”

Hermeneutic construction of Putin and Trump’s character, positions and relation:

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 28 December 2017 05:38.

Correction: I spoke too soon about Timothy Snyder being an anti-nationalist, and I did that in light of his estimation that Britain and France were not really nations while they were empires, that their “nationhoods” were creations of post hoc political convenience. Nevertheless, to say that he is against nationalism would not be correct, since in fact he sees the weak state and the destruction of the state as that which abets genocide.

Snyder’s characterology of how Putin’s and Trump’s positions have emerged in fairly conjoint construction is uncanny…

As such he does make of himself a useful idiot in that he exposes one side of the YKW equation - the specific origin and characters of their right wing cohorts, Putin and Trump.

Youtube, “A Republic, If You Can Keep It: Masha Gessen Talks Autocracy with Timothy Snyder”, 12 July 2017:
As his fellow Trump/Putin critic, (((Masha Gessen))) would suggest, we would miss the truth of these characters, more like mafia dons than statesmen, if we were to maintain a policy of sheer fact checking. Because essentially, they don’t care. They both have a cynical world view and it is about power - logical consistency is for the naive. By contrast to that, one must have the courage and confidence to tell the true story -

Youtube, “Chatham House Primer: Modern Authoritarianism”, 30 Oct 2017:

This guy, (Ivan) Ilyin, I think was a very interesting philosopher; he is kind of the grandfather of the current Russian “fascism.”  Current Russian “fascists” like Alexander Dugin are a little jealous of him and say that he just serves a technical function in the Kremlin and he’s not that interesting. I think he’s interesting. One of his ideas is that for Russia to have a leader, that person has to be free of history, which is a high demand.

He (Ilyin) was a right-wing Hegelian ...his whole idea was that god created the world and that was a mistake. It’s an interesting view, those of you who know anything about Orthodox theology know that there are references… god created the world, it was a mistake, the factuality of the world is itself sinful, history is itself sinful, contingency, to use the technical term, contingency is sinful, all these facts and passions we have, they’re inherently sinful.

So, in order for Russia to be rescued it has to be rescued by someone who is somehow clean of history.

It has to be a redeemer who comes from beyond history.

What I find so interesting is that this actually happened in a way.

The place that is not history is fiction.

When Mr. Putin came to power, Surkov and the others in the Kremlin literally had a kind of game and then a public opinion poll where they tried to figure out which Russian fictional character would be most attractive to Russians. They came up with this character (Max Otto von) Stierlitz, who was a double agent and a person in a novel, and in a film, in the 70’s, who was a Russian spy who spoke German. That’s why they chose Mr. Putin. So, he literally .. this true people! This is the world we live in. So he literally came from fiction.

Then you connect Mr. Putin to Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump is Not a successful real estate developer! That never happened. Mr. Trump bankrupted six companies. He owed billions of dollars to, I think, seventy banks. Until, low and behold, some nice Russians came and said, ‘hey, why don’t you just put your name on some buildings and we’ll give you money for that, and we will build the buildings - which then became his business plan. Which is a great (((business plan))) if you can get it.

Rob Goldstone relaxing, chatting with Trump

The Miss Universe pageant. How did he run (((the Miss Universe pageant)))? The Russians gave him twenty million dollars and he showed up. Which is a great business plan if you can do it.

So, a fictional Russian character comes to power and then creates a fictional American character called Mr. Trump. This happened!

Once the Russians had bailed him out, he then appeared on American television, on celebrity apprentice, playing a successful real estate developer - which he never was.

But as a character, he was great, he could say, “you’re fired!” in a really convincing way.

So, one fictional character then creates another fictional character. And that fictional character also comes to power. ..with the help of all kinds of fictional devices, mostly delivered through the internet.  So there really is an interesting problem of (((genre))) going on in our life.

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